What We Do
Field Trips
Monthly field trips enhance our birding skills and create bird census data throughout the year in local and wider-ranging locations, reporting data in Bird Calls and ebird.org/content/tx/. We sponsor two County Christmas Bird Counts and publicize and participate in other national citizen science projects.
Educating ourselves and the public, we distribute educational materials and personal interaction from our booth at various community events, speak at club meetings and environmental policy hearings, bring expert speakers to our monthly meetings, and provide hands-on training for kids in using binoculars and spotting birds. We carry out a variety of projects, many of them collaborative, both discrete and on-going. We donate funds and volunteer work to projects of other organizations, or we design joint projects. In further collaboration, we network in our community as members of the Bastrop Chamber of Commerce, the Lower Colorado River Basin Coalition, and others.
A sample of projects:
Monthly Programs
Examples of programs through the years: